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Published in: 09 Aug 2022 9:10 am |
In 1992, Pierre Dedet was in the prime of his career as an airline pilot. However, he observed, precisely on cargo planes, the vegetables that Guatemala exported to the United States, a business in which he decided to undertake. He requested a six-month permit from the airline he worked for: he rented a five-block plot of land and in the corridor of a house in Sumpango, Sacatepéquez, fourteen women and three tables, he began to pack mini-vegetables.

Since then, they began ensuring the quality of the crops, which is why they grow their own pylons, which they currently deliver to almost 14,000 producers throughout the country, who get a job opportunity and produce broccoli, snow peas, sweet peas, French beans, zucchini, mini carrots, among others.
Approximately 350 people work at Grupo Detpon. Photo: Daniel Cifuentes

The economic spill reaches about 100 thousand people, counting the workdays in the year that are used for production in practically the entire country.

One of the peculiarities of

is that they have a transport area that reaches the plantations to collect the crops, facilitating their work for the producers.
Pierre Dedet, CEO of DetPon Group. Photo: Daniel Cifuentes

After obtaining the National Export Award in the category

, DetPon Group was recognized as the 2019 Exporter of the Year.

Dataexport interviewed Pierre Dedet, CEO of Grupo Detpon and these were his words:

You have commented on how the company grew and went from having fourteen people to 1,500 and 14,000 producers. What has been the success?

A/ I think one of the things is that we have always put our faith in God. Our main concern has always been the quality of the vegetables and that has allowed us to grow internationally.

How is the relationship with your collaborators?

R/ I think we are a team. We are proud to truly say that everything we have achieved is due to the work and dedication they do. 95 percent of our staff is indigenous, from Sumpango, Sacatepéquez to the Mexican border. They are the ones who have developed creativity, enthusiasm and in the end we have managed to form a great family.

What is your expansion strategy?

R/ We have worked hard on quality, on getting closer to our customers and that is what has worked for us. We have innovated and have made large investments that allow us to bring vegetables with a much longer shelf life to the market and that is what the consumer likes, it is what has positioned us.

How much have they invested?

R/ In the last ten years we have invested about US$ 20 million in the plants. It fills us with pride because we started in the corridor of a house making 5 thousand pounds a week and now 64 million pounds to demanding markets such as Canada, the United States, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia.
Dedet Family, DetPon Group. Photo: Daniel Cifuentes
Broccoli is one of the company's main export vegetables. Photo: Daniel Cifuentes